Monday, February 1, 2010

5PM Fresh baked bread at Tartine, Mission

Last year I got really into the 7x7 100 Things to Try Before you Die list.  Tartine is on the list twice - for their morning bun and also for their fresh bread - specifically, a loaf fresh out of the oven. We live just a couple of blocks away from Tartine, and go there often enough, but somehow we had never gotten the bread. I'd always forget at 5PM, or I'd be walking by and it would be hours earlier, or more recently, wait in line for 20 minutes to find out that they don't bake bread on Mondays.
Yesterday though, the stars aligned and as we were driving home we passed Tartine at 4:45 and I remembered! And it was a Sunday, and they make bread on Sunday! We parked the car and I walked over, and of course there was a long line (is there ever not a long line?) and I waited and waited and then it was my turn and they handed over this giant loaf of bread, that was in fact still warm. 

So. How much can you really say about a loaf of bread? It's just bread right? This bread though really may be the Best Bread in the Entire World Ever. Super crunchy outside + chewy inside, with just the teensiest flavor of sourdough. Just look at it! You see all those crumbs? You cut into it and little crumbs start flying everywhere, which normally I do not like because I know I'm the one who is going to have to clean up those crumbs.  Yesterday though, I did not care. Fly crumbs, fly wherever you would like to go, I will be too busy enjoying my bread to care. 


  1. I will have to speak to Mr. LaMendola about the line--
    "Fly crumbs. Fly..."
